Monday, August 14, 2006

Young and Old in Lviv

I found this picture while looking for an image of a restaurant in Chicago called Old Lviv. This picture really does exemplify two very seemingly contradictory Ukrainian lifestyles. The truth is, aside from the fact that the girl and old woman aren't talking to each other, there's really no reason why they couldn't be related. This picture is very much like those recently (several months ago) published in National Geographic in that my immediate response is, "Oh my God! That is Ukraine!" Seriously, I think this picture could have been taken on any bus in any Ukrainian city, town or village.

Incidentally, seeing that babushka (grandmother/old woman) reminds of some advice we received during training from our Peace Corps Medical Officer, Linda. If you ever feel a bit unsure of your surroundings while traveling by train, don't hesitate to find the nearest, oldest babushka, sit down next to her and become her best friend. Chances are, not one man on that train would dare cross her path.

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